Premiering on Project Audion, a brand-new episode of "The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show" that sounds just as if an unknown script from 1940 had suddenly turned up. That's just how spot-on is the writing in this tribute penned for Project Audion by former Bob Hope comedy writer Robert L Mills.
Charlie and Edgar come up against W. C. Fields as well as a snarky agent from the IRS who sounds suspiciously like the unmistakable voice of Frank Nelson. It's our tribute to that most improbable of vintage radio's hit shows - a radio comedy starring a ventriloquist. Close your eyes and listen, then rewind to watch how our coast-to-coast cast (pictured here) handled the transcribed-live performance. Delightful summertime entertainment that speaks for itself!
Participants in this show included:
Robert L. Mills in California
Duane Noch in New Jersey
Pete Lutz in Texas
Bob Beaumont in California
Paul Arbisi in Illinois and
JoAnne Kurman in California
Robert L. Mills penned the script, while Larry Groebe produced and handled the audio from Texas.