Project Audion presents a recreation of the radio series "My True Story." Imagine compressing a whole soap opera storyline into about 45 minutes -- that's "My True Story" -- full of love, heartbreak, and triumph five days a week for nearly 20 years starting in 1943. But only a dozen or so episodes survive out of literally thousands that were broadcast, so this is a chance to hear a show you never knew about.
Our episode from October 30, 1958 is entitled "Mother's Little Witch" and asks the question: "Can a woman, unequipped to earn her living, make a good life for herself and her child?" Our transcontinentally transcribed cast stars Jessica Matthews, Dorothy and John Farrington, Bob Beaumont, Jan Welch, and Duane Noch.
Rachel Pulliam directed, and Larry Groebe produced and provided music.
(Orig. released 11/12/21)