Studio Severn Productions presents: 'The End of the World is Nigh', the first chronicle of our Ninth Doctor Adventures. Newly regenerated and still struggling to come to terms with it, our Doctor has no time to heal as he is thrown immediately into a chase through time to track down a dangerous gang of alien criminals intent on harvesting the human race for their own gains. In the midst of this story, The Doctor is joined by a new companion but is everything as exciting onboard the TARDIS as the Doctor believes.
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Starring Peter Walsh – The Doctor
Owen McCuen – Owen Jackson
Rob 'Tigerman' Hewes – Mick Chadwell
Robotic Billboard – Rocky Westbrook
Robotic Billboard – Gareth Severn
RG-210 Droid – Jerry Kokich
Human Slave – Gareth Severn
Jantok Goonal – Jonah Knight
Rankoor Seema – James P Quick
Amanda Hunt – Sarah Golding
Jason Hunt – Gareth Severn
Robotic Announcer – Rachel Pulliam
Admiral Lindakal – Lec Zorn
Judoon Soldier – Zane Sexton
Judoon Captain – Tom Fellas
Crowd VOs – Rachel Pulliam, Pete Lutz, Rocky Westbrook