(Orig. launch date 5/7/21) Project Audion's 2nd season begins like our first season, with an episode of the classic radio drama Suspense. "Pearls are a Nuisance", aired on CBS 4/20/50, is a satirical detective drama based on a story by Raymond Chandler, which starred Ray Milland. Walter Gage is trying to track down some stolen pearls, and must call upon a gentleman of dubious morals to help him.
Our transcribed-live drama includes voice actors from California all the way to England:
Joe Mendell (UK) – Announcer
Pete Lutz (TX) - Harlow Wilcox, Henry
Doug Fain (TX) - Walter
Rhiannon McAfee (CA) - Ellen
Angela Young (FL) - Dora, Teller
Greg McAfee (CA) - Mr. Gallemore, Voice
Dana Gonsalves (TX) - Manager, Scandesi
Mr. Lutz directed, while Larry Groebe handled production and sound.
This Project Audion vintage radio recreation is an hour-long dramatization of George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four...which was originally produced in August 1949, just months after the book, to great acclaim, was released. NBC University Theater adapted this scathing vision of a possible future where "Freedom is Slavery" and "Big Brother is watching you." Big Brother is part of our cultural currency now, but in 1949, "1984" was a new and daring novel, and this early audio adaptation feels fresh - and still terrifying.
WINSTON SMITH: Dana Gonsalves, TX
O'BRIEN: Les Marsden, CA
JULIA: Jesirae Kesler, TX
MR. SYME: Jason Johnson, TX
MRS. PARSONS: Rachel Pulliam, MO
ASSORTED VOICES: Jessica Matthews, TX
(Orig. launch date 7/24/20) Project Audion presents our recreation of an episode of Screen Guild Theatre, AKA Hollywood Soundstage. "The Ox-Bow Incident" was a best-selling book in 1940, a blockbuster Western movie in 1943, and adapted for the Screen Guild Theatre radio show no less than three times. Our version is from 1952. It's a story of vengeance and violence -- a gritty look at a group of men who turned into a mob.
"The Ox-Bow Incident" was directed by Pete Lutz / Corpus Christi, Texas and produced by Larry Groebe / Grapevine, Texas, and used a coast-to-coast cast of 14 people situated from Nova Scotia to San Francisco:
Paul Arbisi / Peoria, Illinois
John Bell / Alabaster, Alabama
Denise Cline / Nicholasville, Kentucky
Norman Cline / Nicholasville, Kentucky
Dana Gonsalves / Corpus Christi, Texas
John Mauldin / Nashville, Tennessee
Chris Messersmith / Dallas Texas
Ken Raney / Arlington, Texas
Carl Thomas / Rockport, Texas
Lothar Tuppan / San Francisco, California
Jack Ward / Halifax, Nova Scotia
Angela Young / Palm Coast, Florida
(Orig. launch date 10-25-20) Season Two of Old-Time Radio Essentials continues! In this installment, Pete, Paul and Dave present another of Pete's selections, this time an episode of "Escape": THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER, adapted from Poe's classic Gothic horror tale. Will our discussion lead to property values in the 19th century? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!
And since we're on the subject of discussion, we hope to determine whether this entry meets the following criteria:
1. Is it truly representative of that series? (Can anyone point to it and say, "Yes, that is what [NAME OF SERIES] was all about.")
2. Is it an episode worthy of inclusion in any and every OTR aficionado's private collection?
So with this in mind, we three bring you, as our seventeenth installment (but 4th official episode of S2), this episode of "Escape" from 1947. We'll introduce the show, play it in its entirety, then discuss it at length. Thanks for joining us, and we hope you enjoy it!
Please show your support of the podcast by doing any of the following!
To comment on how we might improve OTR-E, or give suggestions for future discussions, please write to us at f6point3@gmail.com . Put the word "Essentials" in the subject line.
Your feedback means a lot to us! A review at iTunes or at your usual podcatcher would be appreciated.
It's episode two of a new, limited anthology series from 63audio and the Narada Radio Company! Adventure Trail brings back to the Narada microphone The Old-Timer, a character first heard way back in the first season of Pulp-Pourri Theatre. He's back after all this time to spin a few yarns and tell some tall tales about adventures he's had over his long life, and this second outing is a prime example. Set in the 1940s or thereabouts, in "Demon an' Pithypuss" we hear about a pair of ranch hands (Rowdy Ransom and Mac McCorkadale) who are such close friends, that one can't itch without the other one scratchin', to hear Ol' Duff Moser, the ramrod, tell it. Mac and Rowdy are sure-fire winners in the upcoming rodeo's steer-tying competition, but their other event, a ballad-singing contest, causes their friendship (and rodeo partnership) to fall apart when they find they can't agree on the "right" words to an old song. With all the other hands' wages tied up in bets, things look pretty dire, and the other cowboys try all kinds of ways to bring these two back together.
Gene Giggy as THE OLD-TIMER
Les Marsden as DUFF MOSER
Norman Cline as ROWDY RANSOM
Mark Kalita as LINK CASSIDY
Jordan Bruster as JOE CLARK
Dana Gonsalves as AB BUNKER
With additional voices by Glenn Higbee, Glenn Hascall, and members of the cast.
Guitar for "Trail to Mexico" performed by Riley Lutz
ADVENTURE TRAIL theme and interstitial music composed and performed by Ed Champion
Melody for "Trail to Mexico" composed by Pete Lutz
We have just learned that the Feedspot blog has published a list of the "Best 50 Audio Drama Podcasts" to follow, and Moonlight Audio was ranked in the 2nd position! We congratulate all of the wonderful audio drama creators, cast members, and of course the terrific listeners who join us from various places around the world. Thank you for your support over the years, and please check out the list and see who else is on it:
Originally released 5/29/20. Transcribed live from California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennesee, and Texas... Project Audion presents a recreation of the 1937 Columbia Workshop broadcast of "R.U.R: Rossum's Universal Robots."
Pete Lutz of Narada Radio Company, director of this radio drama, says this about his choice of show: "I love the historical sense of the story. Here's Carel Kapek, in 1920 or 21, foreseeing AI, prophesying humans' dependence on technology. Of course, robots themselves, thank the gods, haven't been perfected to the same extent. But there are so many wonderful elements in the story: all the men on the island are in love with Helena, and this unrequited love felt by Dr. Gall leads to their downfall. The robots evolve in different ways, though: some become murderous, yet two show more humane tendencies: love, compassion, sacrifice. I first heard the BBC's radio adaptation of this, which was about two hours long. Then I found the script we use here and felt that the main points of the story were covered sufficiently in a half-hour. It's exciting, dramatic, and sentimental. Columbia Workshop had geniuses working for them."
Project Audion is a collection of voice actors from across North America who are recreating classic shows from Radio's Golden Age via videoconference .
[Orig. launched 9/6/20] Season Two of Old-Time Radio Essentials continues! In this installment, Pete, Paul and Dave welcome Essential Listener Kelly, who brings us this episode of OUR MISS BROOKS from 1950, "School on Saturday", starring Eve Arden! Will our post-show discussion cause Kelly to give us all detention? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!
And since we're on the subject of discussion, we hope to determine whether this entry meets the following criteria:
1. Is it truly representative of that series? (Can anyone point to it and say, "Yes, that is what [NAME OF SERIES] was all about.")
2. Is it an episode worthy of inclusion in any and every OTR aficionado's private collection?
So with this in mind, we three bring you, as our sixteenth installment (but 3rd official episode of S2), this episode of Our Miss Brooks from 1/20/50. We'll introduce the show, play it in its entirety, then discuss it at length. Thanks for joining us, and we hope you enjoy it!
Please show your support of the podcast by doing any of the following!
To comment on how we might improve OTR-E, or give suggestions for future discussions, please write to us at f6point3@gmail.com . Put the word "Essentials" in the subject line.
Your feedback means a lot to us! A review at iTunes or at your usual podcatcher would be appreciated.
In honor of Saint Paddy's day (March 17th), we've sent our intrepid reporter, Philboyd Studge, to New York City, home of the world's largest St. Patrick's Day parade, to interview someone who claims to be a leprechaun. You'll be "Wearin' of the Grin" by the time it's over, don't ye know. Enjoy!
Written and performed by Pete Lutz
"Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" - that was both the title and the closing phrase of each episode of this well-loved crime drama, which aired on CBS for over 800 episodes and 13 years. The setup was always a big insurance settlement that will have to be shelled out... unless "America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator" can crack the case open - which he invariable does.
Project Audion's transcribed-live episode recreates the fourth-ever show from March 11, 1949, before the more-familiar cliches of the series took over.
Charles Russell played Johnny Dollar 73 years ago, but OUR transcontinental cast includes:
ANNOUNCER: Geoffrey Mark, CA
MYRTLE PEPPER: Rhiannon McAfee, CA
It was directed by Joe Mendell from England, and Production was by Larry Groebe in Dallas Texas
A small town carnie with big ambitions is spooked and intrigued by the uncanny abilities of a mysterious old man living under the carnival fairgrounds.
Warning: Contains explicit language and graphic content.
Written, directed and produced by John Ballentine
Owen McCuen
Jack Kincaid
Shelby Sessler
Blaine Hicklin
Nichole Goodnight
Mary Murphy
Mike Fox
Original music score by Kevin Hartnell
63audio Presents: QUEEN OF BLOOD!
Adapted/Produced/Directed by Pete Lutz from the 1966 film, this tale of science fiction and horror takes us from Earth to Mars and back again. The Earth is eagerly awaiting the arrival of emissaries from a distant planet, but they crash-land on Mars, and astronauts must travel there to rescue them. What happens after that will haunt your dreams...forever. NARADA RADIO COMPANY
LAURA JAMES: Carole Krohn
DR. FARRADAY: Mark Kalita
PAUL GRANT: Lothar Tuppan
CDR. BROCKMAN: Dana Gonsalves
ADDITIONAL VOICES BY: Paul Arbisi, Tom Konkle, Riley Lutz, Pam Pailes, Frank Guglielmelli, Dave Robison, Rachel Pulliam, Juan Perez
MUSIC BY: Dr. Ross Bernhardt (with some passages of music taken from the film's soundtrack)
(Orig. rel. 8/2/20) Season Two of Old-Time Radio Essentials continues! In this installment, Pete, Paul and Dave bring you this episode of THE SHADOW from 1946, "Gang Doctor", starring Bret Morrison! Will our post-show discussion have the ability to cloud men's minds? TUNE IN AND FIND OUT!
And since we're on the subject of discussion, we hope to determine whether this entry meets the following criteria:
1. Is it truly representative of that series? (Can anyone point to it and say, "Yes, that is what [NAME OF SERIES] was all about.")
2. Is it an episode worthy of inclusion in any and every OTR aficionado's private collection?
So with this in mind, we three bring you, as our fifteenth installment (but 2nd official episode of S2), this episode of The Shadow from 1946. We'll introduce the show, play it in its entirety, then discuss it at length. Thanks for joining us, and we hope you enjoy it!
Please show your support of the podcast by doing any of the following!
To comment on how we might improve OTR-E, or give suggestions for future discussions, please write to us at f6point3@gmail.com . Put the word "Essentials" in the subject line.
Your feedback means a lot to us! A review at iTunes or at your usual podcatcher would be appreciated.
NOW AVAILABLE from 63audio and The Narada Radio Company!
QUEEN OF BLOOD is an audio adaptation of the 1966 sci-fi/horror film of the same name. It tells the story of space explorers from Earth whose mission to rescue some extraterrestrials who have crash-landed on Mars turns from one of humanitarian purpose, to one of life-saving -- their own lives, that is!
With a stellar cast of Narada favorites plus a few newcomers, and music from the film plus new passages composed by Dr. Ross Bernhardt, QUEEN OF BLOOD is a not-to-be-missed thriller you will never forget!
NOW AVAILABLE on Moonlight, Mutual Audio and Narada Radio Feeds! SUBSCRIBE, Y'ALL.
Did Jack Benny ever have Bing Crosby and W.C. Fields both as guests on his long-running popular network radio show? Not until now! Robert L. Mills, former comedy writer to Bob Hope, has a created a “new” Jack Benny show that is so funny and so much like a vintage Benny show, you can easily be forgiven for thinking we've unearthed a lost episode. It also features appearances by cast regulars like Mary Livingston, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Rochester and others.
Our talented voice actors include:
PHIL HARRIS: Norman Cline, KY
Written, directed, and featuring a cameo appearance by Robert L. Mills, CA.
Larry Groebe in Texas handled the Sheldon Leonard role, cued up the virtual audience, and produced this Project Audion episode.
SO WE HAD SOME bandwidth left over for the month, and since one of our curators grew up both poor and Lutheran, he hates to see anything go to waste; so we're posting these comic sketches for your entertainment. It's entirely possible that this material has been released previously, but never before in this combination. ENJOY! NARADA RADIO COMPANY
All material in this segment written by Pete Lutz.
(Orig. rel. date: 6/20/20) It's Season Two of Old-Time Radio Essentials! And to kick off our new round of classic dramas, Pete, Paul and Dave bring you this episode of SUSPENSE from 1945, "Donovan's Brain", starring Orson Welles! Come for the radio drama, stay for the scintillating (OK, "scintillating" is a bit much, but at least we hope you find it interesting) discussion afterward!
And since we're on the subject of discussion, we hope to determine whether this entry meets the following criteria:
1. Is it truly representative of that series? (Can anyone point to it and say, "Yes, that is what [NAME OF SERIES] was all about.")
2. Is it an episode worthy of inclusion in any and every OTR aficionado's private collection?
So with this in mind, we three bring you, as our fourteenth installment (but first official episode of S2), this episode of Suspense from 1945. We'll introduce the show, play it in its entirety, then discuss it at length. Thanks for joining us, and we hope you enjoy it!
Please show your support of the podcast by doing any of the following!
To comment on how we might improve OTR-E, or give suggestions for future discussions, please write to us at f6point3@gmail.com . Put the word "Essentials" in the subject line.
Your feedback means a lot to us! A review at iTunes or at your usual podcatcher would be appreciated.
Sole Twin Audios presents the premiere of our first episode of Old-Time Radio Theater, Season 1: "Short Order" a re-creation of the classic SUSPENSE episode.
Featuring the voice talents of:
Sharon Grünwald as the Announcer
Dean T Moody - the OTRT Ad
Joe Stofko - as Bailey
Skyeman/Caller - as Johnson
Robin Robbins - as The Stranger
Nick Dunlap - as Officer Ryan
Greg Gidney - as the First Customer
Brad Colbroock - as the Second Customer
Cover artist: Rylir
Music: Dr. Ross Bernhardt
Suspense theme: by Bernard Herrman (re-imagined by David Krause)
Sound Effects were provided by www.freesound.org
It's episode one of a new, limited anthology series from 63audio and the Narada Radio Company! Adventure Trail brings back to the Narada microphone The Old-Timer, a character first heard way back in the first season of Pulp-Pourri Theatre. He's back after all this time to spin a few yarns and tell some tall tales about adventures he's had over his long life, and this first outing is a prime example. Set in the Old West, "Loco or Love" tells the story of a sheriff and his deputy, lifelong pals, whose relationship falls apart when they both fall for a pretty lady who isn't exactly what she seems, and whose jobs are threatened when a crime spree takes place under their very noses. NARADA RADIO COMPANY
ANNOUNCER: Harold Zither
MAGPIE SIMPKINS: Parrish Worsfold
LILY LESTER: Orlando Segarra
AGENT BRAND: Norman Cline
ART MILLER: Dana Gonsalves
ADDITIONAL VOICES by Philboyd Studge
Hear The Old-Timer's first adventure here:
Jane Eyre is a classic coming-of-age story where a young orphan girl fights against poverty, persecution, and abuse in the 19th century. The once ill-spirited child is now transformed into a kind, empathetic governess who finds herself paired with the brooding, mysterious Edward Rochester who has a haunting past of his own. Based on the gothic novel by Charlotte Bronte, Rachel Pulliam brings you an adaptation fit for audio with an all-star cast and original music by Ross Bernhardt. SOLE TWIN AUDIO
IN PART 5: (CONCLUSION) Jane embarks on a new chapter in her life without Mr. Rochester's love. Without a friend or a penny to her name, the young woman struggles to survive through treacherous weather and unkind strangers.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Bruce Busby as Announcer
Lexi DeSollar as Bessie/Housekeeper
Marisha Tapera as Martha Abbot
Colette Feehan as Young Jane/Jane Eyre
John Lingard as Uncle Reed
Margaret Ashley as Mrs. Reed/Hannah
Jerry Kokich as Mr. Lloyd/Carter
Gabe Harris as John Reed/Child
Emily Smith as Eliza Reed/School Girl
Rory L as Georgiana Reed/School Girl
Glenn Hascall as Mr. Brocklehurst
Pete Lutz as Robert Leaven/Party Guest
Alexa Chipman as Miss Temple/Diana Rivers
Rhiannon McAfee as Miss Miller/Cook
Dewby as School Girl
Melissa Fry as Mary Jane
Karl Werner as Mr. Scatcherd
Delaney Brittingham as Helen Burns/Rosamund Oliver
Becca Marcus as Barbara
Frank Guiglielmelli as Dr. Bates
Lisa Michaud as Nurse
Abbie Brown as Marci/Woman
Eleiece Krawiec as Mrs. Fairfax
Alexxandra Macedo as Leah/School Girl
Oceane Lanteigne as Adele
Peter Heimsoth as Mr. Rochester
Jarman Day as John
Mindy Rast-Keenan as Blanche Ingram/Mary Rivers
Andrea Richardson as Lady Ingram
Karim Kronfli as Richard Mason
Heath Martin as Clergyman
Paul Arbisi as Mr. Briggs
Cary Michael Ayers as Shopkeeper
Shane Harris as Father
Joshua Spector as St. John Rivers
Party Guests; John Bell, Naomi Parks, Evelyn Castro, Trent
Trachtenberg, Rikujo Marame, and Callum Garner
Post Production Editor, Sound Designer, Producer & Director: Rachel Pulliam
Composers: Ross Bernhardt (original incidental music),
and Tom Rory Parsons (Showcase Classics Theme Tune)
Executive Producer for Dream Realm Enterprises: Jonithan Patrick Russell
Jane Eyre is a classic coming-of-age story where a young orphan girl fights against poverty, persecution, and abuse in the 19th century. The once ill-spirited child is now transformed into a kind, empathetic governess who finds herself paired with the brooding, mysterious Edward Rochester who has a haunting past of his own. Based on the gothic novel by Charlotte Bronte, Rachel Pulliam brings you an adaptation fit for audio with an all-star cast and original music by Ross Bernhardt. SOLE TWIN AUDIO
IN PART 4: As the fire burns out, Jane finds herself further invested in the mysteries of Edward Rochester's past. Her own feelings come to light as she discovers his involvement with the well-bred Blanche Ingram. Will she ignore her conflicting emotions or will she express them to the one man who she feels is her equal?
Cast (in order of appearance):
Bruce Busby as Announcer
Lexi DeSollar as Bessie/Housekeeper
Marisha Tapera as Martha Abbot
Colette Feehan as Young Jane/Jane Eyre
John Lingard as Uncle Reed
Margaret Ashley as Mrs. Reed/Hannah
Jerry Kokich as Mr. Lloyd/Carter
Gabe Harris as John Reed/Child
Emily Smith as Eliza Reed/School Girl
Rory L as Georgiana Reed/School Girl
Glenn Hascall as Mr. Brocklehurst
Pete Lutz as Robert Leaven/Party Guest
Alexa Chipman as Miss Temple/Diana Rivers
Rhiannon McAfee as Miss Miller/Cook
Dewby as School Girl
Melissa Fry as Mary Jane
Karl Werner as Mr. Scatcherd
Delaney Brittingham as Helen Burns/Rosamund Oliver
Becca Marcus as Barbara
Frank Guiglielmelli as Dr. Bates
Lisa Michaud as Nurse
Abbie Brown as Marci/Woman
Eleiece Krawiec as Mrs. Fairfax
Alexxandra Macedo as Leah/School Girl
Oceane Lanteigne as Adele
Peter Heimsoth as Mr. Rochester
Jarman Day as John
Mindy Rast-Keenan as Blanche Ingram/Mary Rivers
Andrea Richardson as Lady Ingram
Karim Kronfli as Richard Mason
Heath Martin as Clergyman
Paul Arbisi as Mr. Briggs
Cary Michael Ayers as Shopkeeper
Shane Harris as Father
Joshua Spector as St. John Rivers
Party Guests; John Bell, Naomi Parks, Evelyn Castro, Trent
Trachtenberg, Rikujo Marame, and Callum Garner
Post Production Editor, Sound Designer, Producer & Director: Rachel Pulliam
Composers: Ross Bernhardt (original incidental music),
and Tom Rory Parsons (Showcase Classics Theme Tune)
Executive Producer for Dream Realm Enterprises: Jonithan Patrick Russell
Jane Eyre is a classic coming-of-age story where a young orphan girl fights against poverty, persecution, and abuse in the 19th century. The once ill-spirited child is now transformed into a kind, empathetic governess who finds herself paired with the brooding, mysterious Edward Rochester who has a haunting past of his own. Based on the gothic novel by Charlotte Bronte, Rachel Pulliam brings you an adaptation fit for audio with an all-star cast and original music by Ross Bernhardt. SOLE TWIN AUDIO
IN PART 3: Accepting her post as governess, Jane arrives at Thornfield more contented than ever. She befriends the housekeeper, Mrs. Fairfax, and enjoys teaching the young French girl called Adele. But what of her employer, the ever-absent Edward Rochester? Will he become her ally or will he provoke fear in her like the wild laughter she often hears in the darkened hallways?
You can find the first two parts of this saga right here at Moonlight Audio, at the following links:
Cast (in order of appearance):
Bruce Busby as Announcer
Lexi DeSollar as Bessie/Housekeeper
Marisha Tapera as Martha Abbot
Colette Feehan as Young Jane/Jane Eyre
John Lingard as Uncle Reed
Margaret Ashley as Mrs. Reed/Hannah
Jerry Kokich as Mr. Lloyd/Carter
Gabe Harris as John Reed/Child
Emily Smith as Eliza Reed/School Girl
Rory L as Georgiana Reed/School Girl
Glenn Hascall as Mr. Brocklehurst
Pete Lutz as Robert Leaven/Party Guest
Alexa Chipman as Miss Temple/Diana Rivers
Rhiannon McAfee as Miss Miller/Cook
Dewby as School Girl
Melissa Fry as Mary Jane
Karl Werner as Mr. Scatcherd
Delaney Brittingham as Helen Burns/Rosamund Oliver
Becca Marcus as Barbara
Frank Guiglielmelli as Dr. Bates
Lisa Michaud as Nurse
Abbie Brown as Marci/Woman
Eleiece Krawiec as Mrs. Fairfax
Alexxandra Macedo as Leah/School Girl
Oceane Lanteigne as Adele
Peter Heimsoth as Mr. Rochester
Jarman Day as John
Mindy Rast-Keenan as Blanche Ingram/Mary Rivers
Andrea Richardson as Lady Ingram
Karim Kronfli as Richard Mason
Heath Martin as Clergyman
Paul Arbisi as Mr. Briggs
Cary Michael Ayers as Shopkeeper
Shane Harris as Father
Joshua Spector as St. John Rivers
Party Guests; John Bell, Naomi Parks, Evelyn Castro, Trent
Trachtenberg, Rikujo Marame, and Callum Garner
Post Production Editor, Sound Designer, Producer & Director: Rachel Pulliam
Composers: Ross Bernhardt (original incidental music),
and Tom Rory Parsons (Showcase Classics Theme Tune)
Executive Producer for Dream Realm Enterprises: Jonithan Patrick Russell
Tierney's Tales of Terror created by Rachel Pulliam
Featuring John Bell as Vincent Tierney
Jerry Kokich as the Sole Twin Audios Radio Spot
Music by Ross Bernhardt
SFX by VisualAsylum – Creaking Door via freesound.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SoleTwinAudios
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3qai0RA...
Tierney’s Tales of Terror Writing Competition
Deadline: May 19th 2022, 11pm CST.
Requirements: Theme: The Supernatural (This CAN take place in the future provided our current, modern day isn’t mentioned; i.e., the internet, politics, etc. A good example is to look at the original Twilight Zone and take inspiration from there.)
All winners will be notified one week after the contest is over.
Opportunity: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place scripts will be fully produced and distributed at several different sites, including two very prominent audio drama sites: Mutual Audio Network and Moonlight Audio Theatre.
Find out more at
AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS - Originally released 10/2/20
Project Audion's live-transcribed cross-continental Zoom-based production for October [2020] is an episode from Orson Welles' Mercury Theatre On the Air from 1938. No, not the "War of the Worlds" which everyone knows, but "Around the World in 80 Days" which aired the week before. Welles, John Houseman, and Howard Koch condensed Jules Verne's 1872 novel into a fast-paced 60 minutes, and fewer than 20 characters (which we handle by doubling each actor's part.) Phileas Fogg's journey started October 2, 1872 at about 9 PM: Project Audion's recreation premieres exactly 148 years later!
In our sterling cast:
Paul Arbisi / Illinois
John Bell / Alabama
Norman Cline / Kentucky
Aileen Corpos / Texas
Dana Gonsalves / Texas
Larry Groebe / Texas
Pete Lutz / Texas
Les Marsden / California
Pete Lutz directed, and Larry Groebe produced
ORIG. REL. 5/31/20 with the following commentary:
Well, friends, here we are, two or three (or four) months into this COVID-19 pandemic, so Paul, Dave and I decided to kick off our second season with something reflecting the times. And so we present "The Peoria Plague", a one-shot original radio drama about an alien invasion and deadly plague that was produced by radio station WUHN in Peoria, Illinois, in 1972. While it has familiar overtones of "The War of the Worlds" 1938 broadcast, this program seems to have had no effect whatsoever to radio audiences of its day -- we could find nothing that reported how listeners reacted. Anyway, we three discuss that and many other things about this broadcast, and we hope you enjoy it. Remember to stay safe, keep your social distance, and DON'T DRINK THE TAP WATER! (P.S. watch out for Zombies...)