Jane Eyre is a classic coming-of-age story where a young orphan girl fights against poverty, persecution, and abuse in the 19th century. The once ill-spirited child is now transformed into a kind, empathetic governess who finds herself paired with the brooding, mysterious Edward Rochester who has a haunting past of his own. Based on the gothic novel by Charlotte Bronte, Rachel Pulliam brings you an adaptation fit for audio with an all-star cast and original music by Ross Bernhardt. SOLE TWIN AUDIO
IN PART 3: Accepting her post as governess, Jane arrives at Thornfield more contented than ever. She befriends the housekeeper, Mrs. Fairfax, and enjoys teaching the young French girl called Adele. But what of her employer, the ever-absent Edward Rochester? Will he become her ally or will he provoke fear in her like the wild laughter she often hears in the darkened hallways?
You can find the first two parts of this saga right here at Moonlight Audio, at the following links:
Cast (in order of appearance):
Bruce Busby as Announcer
Lexi DeSollar as Bessie/Housekeeper
Marisha Tapera as Martha Abbot
Colette Feehan as Young Jane/Jane Eyre
John Lingard as Uncle Reed
Margaret Ashley as Mrs. Reed/Hannah
Jerry Kokich as Mr. Lloyd/Carter
Gabe Harris as John Reed/Child
Emily Smith as Eliza Reed/School Girl
Rory L as Georgiana Reed/School Girl
Glenn Hascall as Mr. Brocklehurst
Pete Lutz as Robert Leaven/Party Guest
Alexa Chipman as Miss Temple/Diana Rivers
Rhiannon McAfee as Miss Miller/Cook
Dewby as School Girl
Melissa Fry as Mary Jane
Karl Werner as Mr. Scatcherd
Delaney Brittingham as Helen Burns/Rosamund Oliver
Becca Marcus as Barbara
Frank Guiglielmelli as Dr. Bates
Lisa Michaud as Nurse
Abbie Brown as Marci/Woman
Eleiece Krawiec as Mrs. Fairfax
Alexxandra Macedo as Leah/School Girl
Oceane Lanteigne as Adele
Peter Heimsoth as Mr. Rochester
Jarman Day as John
Mindy Rast-Keenan as Blanche Ingram/Mary Rivers
Andrea Richardson as Lady Ingram
Karim Kronfli as Richard Mason
Heath Martin as Clergyman
Paul Arbisi as Mr. Briggs
Cary Michael Ayers as Shopkeeper
Shane Harris as Father
Joshua Spector as St. John Rivers
Party Guests; John Bell, Naomi Parks, Evelyn Castro, Trent
Trachtenberg, Rikujo Marame, and Callum Garner
Post Production Editor, Sound Designer, Producer & Director: Rachel Pulliam
Composers: Ross Bernhardt (original incidental music),
and Tom Rory Parsons (Showcase Classics Theme Tune)
Executive Producer for Dream Realm Enterprises: Jonithan Patrick Russell